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have you seen this person?

this individual scrolled to the bottom of a strawpage and no clipped into an alternate reality, their friend is now threatening destruction of the earth if they are not found and placed back into containment soon.


the entity appears to be around 4’0 with angel like wings and a halo.

do not let their appearance fool you, they know more than they let on.


this is a highly dangerous cryptid with unknown capabilities.

in the case of an encounter, contact this number: xxx-xxx-xxxx


do not make any deals or contracts with this entity, they can and will trick you.

before you leave!

⁽⁽ଘ( ˊωˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

report sightings here:

before you leave

click them to escape —>

the end

me n him frl

guys my acc is locked don’t forget me